Mid-August slump

Last Tuesday I ran 7 miles in fairly hot humid weather and I felt great! Followed up with shorter runs during the week and was hoping to be ready for 8 on Sunday. However, when I got out on the road on Sunday I just didn't feel right. I turned it around at 1.5 miles and settled for a 3 mile day.

My legs were tight and sore, my left plantar fascia was acting up, my right quad was stiff... All seemed to indicate to me that I should slow down. So, in order to motivate myself, and possibly even as a solution to my nagging spots I went over to Marathon Sports in Wellesly, MA to get new shoes.

Talking to my best friend who is an avid runner on vacation I thought I would look at a pair of Newton running shoes as we noticed I have a fairly good midfoot strike and generally good running form. My old Brooks Adrenaline's were noticeably worn on the forefoot and I certainly felt like I wasn't getting the cushioning they originally had.

Maybe that is part of the reason I'm feeling a bit worn down, or maybe the mileage increase - who knows! But I have to eliminate some variables and find out if I need time off... or, hopefully, just new shoes.

So I ended up with a pair of Newton Motions and a new pair of the current year version of my old shoe. The idea is to put in a few miles a week in the Newtons because they will be different and will require time to adjust. From my garmin foot pod I can see that I have a cadence of 172 to 176 which is pretty good - one of the objectives of minimalist running is to get up to 180 so I don't have a lot of work, just have to focus on being light on my feet. I expect the Newtons to help as long as I am working at it slowly.

They are also pretty cool looking!



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