A new adventure!

I was thinking about how I could log my experience as I enter into a new era of my own physical well-being and remembered I already have a blog!!

So, I want to set this up to tell the story as it happens. I need to fill in some background so that my quest is understood - continue to run, bike and be active while reducing pain and hopefully eliminating pain from MS symptoms. The big adventure is to try to incorporate barefoot running into my routine and see if it is able to reduce or eliminate the pain in my feet that I have had since months before my final diagnosis.

Feet: they are in a constant state of mild pain, burning sensation, it seems like sitting, tight shoes or just going through a day make them worse. Culminates in me lying in bed with a couple degrees more discomfort in my feet and looking forward to falling asleep. They feel better in the morning, or else I just am not thinking about it as much and barely notice. Clearly I am able to block out the ongoing pain for short periods. But, it would be nice if it was not there... This is known as parasthesia and it totally blows.

Legs: my legs are tight, I think they always have been, but the MS has pushed it to new levels. Usually once a year I need to start 6-8 weeks of PT to develop the ability to stand up straight without stiff and sore legs. Legs get sore when they are stiff for so long. I felt this acutely after my last relapse in '09. After a week of steroids my leg stiffness subsided but I was in a lot of pain - my tendons ached from being under stress for months. This is known as spasticity and it totally blows.

Running: Last year I started to bike and it was great. This year I have started to run and it is (now) great. It took a while to get comfortable, find the right gear, slowly ramp up the miles. But now I am running regularly and it makes me feel good inside. When I first started I always had hints of plantar fasciitis and shin splints. I just took it slow and a day off when needed. I try to ice my heels and shins when they are sore and it is very helpful. I am looking at better, safe, ways to ice my legs after runs. Maybe I will include that in here when I find something to try....

I am up to about 10 miles per week using a Hal Higdon 10k training plan. My next race is July 3rd at Gillette and it will be my first 10k. So far this year I have run two 5k races. Both were much better times than my no-training run last year. From 36 minutes in 2011 to 25:15 in my first race of the year this year. My second 5k came in at 27:25. Yes, I bonked on this one. I actually ran a really fast mile and a half though, 10:30 so about 7 minute miles. But then came hills and I had to walk a bit. Depressing but a lesson learned.

My next adventure is going to be barefoot running. I am interested in all the hype and want to give it a try. Nice thing about it, no gear required! It sounds like there are a lot of advantages and after reading a bit here and there I have started the best-selling Born to Run book and maybe it can improve my fitness, running form, and reduce the pain in my feet? Maybe, maybe not, but I may actually be the first one to try!


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