adding a barefoot mile to my runs

Almost bought a pair of Merrel Trail Gloves today because I want to be able to run further in barefoot mode, you know, with a forefoot strike and curling up my toes to absorb the impact. But, I decided I would just work on a month or so of just adding in a barefoot run into my normal run routine. This should help me slowly build up strength in my crammed dead toes.

I just can't see being able to run except if I take it slow. And  though I want to improve my form, I just can't do it in my Brooks Adrenalines. I have to lean too far forward to forefoot strike with these things on. But I don't want to start over because I am aiming for my first 10k on July 3rd. So I have two weeks to keep going, then a few weeks before half-marathon preparation time.

The previous two days I wore my Merrel light hikers and have been suffering from lower back pain until taking two blue Alleve's earlier. I noticed some knee pain as well. I just decided to wear my running shoes into the office.

Right now I am in Sunnyvale, CA and there are supposed to be a lot of nice trails around, I have at least found a nice clay trail in the Sunnyvale Baylands park, the trail is only about a mile loop. No worries there though, today I am scheduled to do a 5 mile run, I am going to make it 4 + 1 mile in barefeet. I'll just loop around a few times!!

Yesterday was the first time I tried running barefoot. I actually took off my shoes, put 'em at the bottom of a tree and took off around the park. It was harder to run on the thick grass than the clay trail and my feet felt a little funny.  With the parasthesia in my feet, I am going to discover a new normal if I keep this up. I am also hoping to improve my balance and maybe see if I can't force my body's damaged nerves to re-route because I now require more feedback from my feet?

Who knows, maybe it will work, there is nothing else to fix my feet because of my MS, I actually have a lesion on my spinal cord which I think is affecting my feeling in my feet. That and multiple scars in my brain are what I have for damage from MS so far, and what I have lost I have mostly gained back. So why not improve sensation in my feet as well?

Looking forward to getting back home with my family and my son, who is now 8 and wants to go barefoot with m!


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