Back to normal

Which these days means I'm injecting myself three times a week. Fun.

So, no negative effects from the lapse in Rebif while I was on antibiotics, at least that I can feel at this point. I've got a soccer game tonite so that should be a good test of my balance/coordination side, which is the main factor in determining relapses.

Since the last few weeks were full of events related to MS I ended up doing a bit more research, and, as with anything on the internet, ran into a few, possibly disheartening, facts. MS that presents coordination problems has a less optimistic prognosis. And, the further between relapses the better the prognosis. Well, who knows if my initial encounters with parasthesia count, but if so my relapses were at least 2 years apart, possibly less. And I certainly had balance/coordination problems, you just have to read my early blogs about last summer to see what it was like. Whatever, going to push forward!

I started back on injections with two shots to the stomach just to make sure I still had the courage - they are sometimes the most painful. They weren't so bad, I was expecting worse.


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