Antibiotics and NO Rebif

I had had a fever since Sat. night and had thought it was due to a reaction to the Rebif. Normally I get a fever if I do not premed with Advil... on my last shot, I did premed late, around 11:30pm, two hours after the shot and as soon as I felt like I was coming down with a fever, I took a couple Advil.

Unfortunately I couldn't get the fever to go away that night, nor the rest of the entire day on Saturday. My fever hit 102.6 on our (high degree of uncertainty) thermometer, and was up and down a bit from there. I struggled through the next night fitfully again, but woke up feeling decent. I noticed some feverish symptoms during the MS Walk on Sunday, but, during the day at least, it was not enough to bother me.

I was worried that the fevers were a reaction to the Rebif, I didn't want to develop a more severe reaction to it; after seven months the whole injection routine is disturbingly comforting. At least it's something I control and I know that I am helping at least slightly. But I still couldn't get the fevers to retreat. Kris called the neuro office and my primary's office and they suggested trying advil/tylenol together. This didn't really work, but late Sunday night I dosed off with my fever slowly going down.

Monday I felt decent in the morning again, but noticed a really sore throat that evening. Previously I had felt no other symptoms that might explain the fever. I made it through the day, even working as normal, but that night, around dinner - the fevers came back, up to about 101.7 again. I decided I had to call in the morning.

Saw my Dr. at 2:30 after feeling lethargic and suddenly completely congested in the nose and sinuses. He said my throat looked red, asked what color my boogies were (bright green) and put me on Amoxycillin. For 10 days.

So, I called my neurologist, who had advised me the day before to skip my Monday night injection, and let her know the results of my Dr. visit. I think she had a laugh that my primary just threw me onto Amoxy without any tests. The important result of that conversation though, is that I'll be off the Rebif completely for ten days while taking the penicillin.

I'm fairly concerned about this, but given the fevers I've had I just want to get better. Part of the reason I am off the Rebif, I think, is to determine if there is indeed an allergic reaction that developed later than usual. After the ten days, if my fever has gone away, when I go back on the Rebif, if fevers come back, then it is likely an allergic reaction.

Well, that's enough info for me to remember all the details, so, wish me luck!


Lisa Emrich said…
Hi Mike, welcome to the world of knowing (although that doesn't really mean we MSers always know what's going on). I blog and Brass and Ivory and am the founder of the Carnival of MS Bloggers. Please do come check us out.

In an effort to get to you know better, you've been're it!!

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