more drugs

I have been struggling with spasticity in the backs of my legs the past week or so. It's just natural that as I get over the fevers caused by the Rebif that something new crops up. This isn't so bad as far as the spasticity I've felt Before Steroids. My legs are tight, but I don't have balance or walking problems... having to say something like that is pretty difficult, but there it is. My major concern is losing the ability to walk, my Neurologist always listens carefully when I describe any problems with my legs, or balance. But. The good news is that my recovery After Steroids has been remarkable. I only have a bare glimmer of pain/numbness in my toes, only periodic parasthesia in various place, but not in my legs at all.

Kris and I went in for another visit with my Neuro just yesterday. Due to my complaints about stiff legs, even though I'm adhering to the stretching regimen provided by my therapist, was a concern. She proscribed Baclofen to help relieve it. It has not really affected me much, other than discomfort and tighter than normal muscles, particularly my calves and hamstrings. I'll start it at a half 10mg pill per day tomorrow. Some side effects include drowsiness and mood swings - fun!


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