fevers regularly after injection

That has been the theme of my last week and a half or so. It coincides of course with stepping up to a full dosage. Last Thu. night, I had a fever of 101, I stayed home from my soccer game even though I had really wanted to play, but it was at 10pm and Kris convinced me it was a bad idea. It's odd to have a fever from the injection, because I don't have the normal symptoms that go along with fevers -- no headache, runny nose, cough... But, it does wipe me out a bit, and the fever/chills/sweating is uncomfortable.

Fortunately, advil holds the fever at bay. I've been stubborn a few times and not taken it, as well as skipping it while on a business trip. THAT was a bad idea, I had no thermometer so I don't know what my temp was, but this past Monday was a horrible experience.

First of all, injecting yourself while alone in a hotel room just doesn't feel right, it made me feel lonely, thinking, 'what the hell has gotten me to this point!??' I had no advil left, usually my bag has a bottle, but I hadn't had a fever the previous injection, and was hoping this would go the same. Nope. 3am I woke up with a fever, and over the course of the next 3 hours it wouldn't let up. I was hot, sweaty and nervous. My thoughts were to maybe call an ambulance, my fever felt high. I couldn't go out and get myself Advil either. So, I called the front desk and spoke to a gentlement with broken English. I conveyed the idea that I was sick and needed Advil, he promised he would send someone out to get it - great! I took a coule at 5:30am and put a cold facecloth on my forehead again. By 7:30 I got to sleep.

I managed to get home Wed. night instead of going through this at the hotel again. I had to wait until 11:30pm to do the injection, but that was better than doing it at an airport. That may have left me feeling more detached from normalcy than my hotel-injection experience.

Fast forward to Thu. of this week, soccer day, I look forward to it all week. Drove into the office in the morning to submit my expenses and did a bit of work after getting home. I felt OK, no fever or chills. And it was a great game, I played with more pace than any other night and our team clicked after a rough first half. I was able to score four goals and notch three or so assists. It has probably been more than half a year since I've been able to be that productive, it was really an incredibly good feeling. I had a great strike, a great run through the D, and a couple nice passes, so it was certainly fulfilling.

I got feverish again on the drive home though, and when I took my temp it was 101.4! Kris got home and we checked again 102.2! What the hell is going on! Advil at 8:30 and around 11:00 the fever is gone.

Moral of the story is that I need a fairly regular regimen of Advil for the time being. But who cares, it was a good night of soccer!


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