Steroids day 4

This was a quick and easy infusion. Driving from the cape and back in the same day, I knew, would take it's toll though.

Did some work at the house while I had energy. Watered plants fed cats :).

Drove back to the cape and pushed myself a bit to see how I was feeling. It seemed like I had a bit more energy, I sat at the beach and read got wet up to my knees, no more since I had an IV still. I felt like I was pushing myself but I was restless.

We had a couple huge 4 lb. Steaks that needed cooking so I steped up to make them, it's something I like to do. The bricketts were a challenge since i'm used to gas. With some grilled onions I think they came out great!

Just before dinner though I had a coughing fit from swallowing water wrong and ha an instant, debilitating headache. I took 10 minutes before sitting for dinner with everyone, but I recovered. We hung out on the porch for a while talking and having a good time.

Everyone went to bed and I tried to follow suit. But I had recurring nightmares of gremlins messing with my IV line that prevented me from sleeping well, not to mention reminding me how doped up I was. Gremlins!

I should have remembered to take that Ativan but I was trying to steer clear of more drugs for a change.

Starting the drive back to Milford, it's crazy with boy-monster and traffic. But kris will get me there with sanity leftover.


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