Nueurologist visit

This was my first real MS-specific appointment with my neurologist. The main objective would be to discuss medications and get me queued up to start one. As expected, we determined that Rebif was the best choice based on effectiveness. Though, statistcally the differences in effectiveness are minimal. That said, I was expecting to make this choice based on my research. I can just hope now that the month or so of expected flu-like symptoms isn't too bad, and that my body reacts favorably as far as liver and other side effects that might prohibit me from taking the interferon-based medications over the long term. (was thata runon sentence? i think mrs. b. would deduct points on it!)

So starting phase two: medication; on or around August 30th, when I'm scheduled to meet with an MS nurse to get instruction for Kris and I on the thrice per week injection. I was really down a bit before the meeting with my neurologist, but it went smoothly. She did mention, that being a male, my outlook is not expected to be as good as for a female, but there is no use dwelling on it, I'll take the medication as directed and hope for the best.


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