How do I feel today?

That's been a good question lately. The Steroid Infusion ended yesterday, and I started to taper with oral Prednizone this morning. I had a headache and took some of the mega-caffeine/acetomenaphine/butrol (sp?) dosage. I'm feeling OK so I coated my stomach with the Prilosec and popped all six Prednizone.

I'm hoping those don't change the way I'm feelin all that much because I feel pretty OK. I walked the whole yard, working with Tyler to water plants around the yard and it was nice. I don't think my normal fatigue hit me, but I do worry about hitting a wall so I'm going to take it slow from here on.

Kris and I are getting assorted tasks complete, such fun as paying bills, cleaning up cat barf and refilling food bowls... We expect to get on the road shortly, it will likely be a long road but I am planning on that. Hopefully by the time we leave Tyler will be ready for a nap, and we can take our time, grab some chow, relax and enjoy some music. Hopefully.


Anonymous said…
I hope you all are enjoying the little vacation that it seems you have :) I'm enjoying seeing your vacation pics on the other blog, and I've been checking in here daily to see how you're holding up.

I miss you guys, and I hope we'll see each other again soon.

Hang tough, Mike, like the New Kids do! ;)


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