Chilling at the Cape House

For the first time really. I'm upstairs, figuring out some blog things, learning how to publish pictures from my cameraphone directly to my vacation blog.

I feel OK as far as my symptoms, I'm logging those on a Google calendar which is private, I will keep it updated with my symptoms, severity etc for myself and my Dr.

I'm still feeling kinda funky due to the steroids, but sticking to the prescribed meds to make this all as easy as possible. Being able to enjoy going up and down the stairs and actually doing things has been such a positive experience that I'm having a hard time not thinking about things getting worse again.

Heck, one of the worst things this morning was that my toes started to hurt! I usually can't feel them! Going to enjoy lunch and then sit and finish Friday by Robert A. Heinlein.


Anonymous said…
I read that book when I was like 15. I don't remember it being all that great, but I DO remember it had a decidedly different front cover than the one you linked to!
Unknown said…
No, it wasn't all that great to be honest. I grabbed it from my shelf of 'classics' I haven't gotten to yet. The book was like an ad for ADHD, and that mixed with my steroids must have made it a good fit. I would expect to see something about the Author's ADD problem discussed in the Cliff Notes!

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