The lumbar puncture (take 1)

This morning I had the first attempt to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). I was pretty high anxiety for a number of reasons. I had consciously decided not to research much into this as I'm sure everyone who had a bad experience would post something, and the majority, who didn't, wouldn't say anything. Unfortunately I saw the picture on wikipedia in the Lumbar Puncture page - i guess that didn't help, but it wasn't even all that bad...

Sometimes you are your own worst enemy.

Needless to say, I was stressed going in. I politely declined my Dr's request that a student perform the operation, that was an easy choice. So we got started I studiously examined the floor and the sink while they fiddled with instruments and instructed me to lie on my side. The novacain injection was unpleasant, a prick here or there and the usual pain I have with needles (ie. they say it only pricks, but for me it pricks and keeps it up). A few minutes later we are ready, I'm trying to arch my back, but my muscles are tightening and I can't loosen up enough.

Without gory details I'll just say she tried 3-4 times, both on my side and sitting up, but although she felt she was in the right spot, no fluid was collected. It was unpleasant. (that's dry humor right there)

Onto the next phase. I'll go back Friday for radiology-assisted Lumbar Puncture. They'll use x-rays to get the needles into the right spot. I'll be confident that my radiologist will kick some ass and make it simple.


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