Spartan Beast 2013 Killington
Sometimes a lot happens between posts. This is one of those times. Here are the highlights: new MS medicine starting soon - Tecfidera, no more shots! new goal race for the year! new training program and app! FUN new gadgets, shoes, and stuff!! Clearly the most important thing for this blog is my new prescription for Tecfidera - which is one of the new breed of MS drugs which are taken orally and no longer require injections. I've been suffering from shot fatigue for more than year - really ever since stopping Rebif . I was on Avonex for a year, which was a nice change from 3 times/week to once per week injection. However, I had a hard time sticking with it. Which is odd because IM (intra-muscular) shots really hurt a lot less than SC (sub-cutaneous) shots overall. But I couldn't get past the side effects, fever and stiffness. When Tecfidera came out I knew I would switch some day. My neighbor was a marketing director for the drug and had been fillin...