Background Info

As far back as six months ago I started to notice that my soccer skills were diminishing. I couldn't juggle more than 4-6 times, previously I could go over thirty. I started to notice a different sensation in my legs; both legs. I started to fatigue far sooner than I felt I should, and although I was really getting into playing with both Brian and Dave, I was just not the same.

I pretty much ignored this, or tried to just play with it, for a few months until it started to become obvious that there was something serious going on. I couldn't turn, shoot, or make any complex soccer-related movements that were previously second nature. In my mind, I could visualize what I was attempting to do, whether it was shooting from 25 yards, or turning around a defender to open space for myself. I had to concentrate on placing my feet and had to worry about tripping over them or just falling over...

Yeah, something was wrong and fortunately for me I was playing soccer, or else I may not have been quite so distressed. My symptoms didn't prevent me from walking or even running for shorter periods of time, although I didn't attribute my loss of fitness to anything sinister. During games or increased physical activity, like working on my yard, I noticed my feet would develop "pins and needles" (known as Paresthesia), and they were slightly painful.

It is a pretty awful feeling not to be able to function as well as just a few months ago. It was affecting my ability to landscape the house (which had just undergone major renovation), play soccer and brought on fatigue with everyday activity.

The "different sensation" in my upper legs, between my thighs at first didn't bother me so much, I thought it was related to Sciatica or a pinched nerve. As time progressed from about 5 months back, to 3 months back, the sensation began to affect other parts of my legs. First the outside of my knees, then my shins and finally to my feet. It was time to see the doctor.


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